Waking up in the middle of the night can be frustrating, to say the least.  You feel tired, yet your body doesn’t seem to want to get back to sleep.  Luckily, there are some ways things you can do to get back to sleep on those restless nights.   Here are a few tips to follow when you wake up in the hours of the night…



If you wake up in the middle of the night and your mind is racing, writing down your thoughts in a journal or piece of paper can help you organize your thoughts. When you write down your thoughts, your brain creates a neural disconnect and releases its attachment, freeing your mind from worry.  When those thoughts aren’t floating around aimlessly in your head, you can get back to snoozing.



The light from electronic screens can trick your mind and body into thinking it’s still light out.  Try leaving technology out of your bedroom to help you shift into a calm, relaxed state.  If you love reading, have a fun, light reading book by your bedside.  If you are like me, avoid the deep, philosophical reads for earlier in the day (they make me think too much).



Apply lavender oil to the bottom of your feet.  The scent is soothing and reduces anxious feelings, helping you get back to sleep in the middle (or start) of a restless night.

If you prefer, add the lavender drops to a tissue, and leave it next to your pillow so you can inhale the sent without it overwhelming you.  Other oils that are also good are  Stress Away™, Cedarwood, Roman Chamomile or Frankincense.



The Crocodile (or Makarsana) is, for me, a deeply relaxing yoga pose.  Lie on your stomach with your hands folded, and your head resting on your hands.  When I can’t sleep, lying in bed in this position helps.  Sometimes I modify the position and surround my head with pillows so my checks are supported, and my nose is free.  Don’t worry about deep breathing.  Just focus on your chest touching the mattress, breath normally through your nose.  I find this position relaxes you by focusing on your sense of touch.



The restful effects of yoga-nidra meditation can quickly bring you back to a state ready for sleep.  Yoga-Nidra has several great benefits including deep rest.  I  employ it to help reduce tension and anxiety as well as other symptoms for my clients. Regular sessions are recommended to truly reap the benefits of the practice. Try to incorporate the meditation into your daily routine at least three times a week as you become comfortable with the practice. You’ll be sleeping like a baby in no time.  If you are interested in trying this technique, contact me for a free session.


What questions do you have about reducing your stress or sleepless nights?  Let me know so I can create resources to help

Sweet Dreams