The unlived life can appear in various forms and the path between is called resistance.  Based on the title one could assume this book is just for artists. But it’s for anyone who has dealt with this evil.  We all have unfinished dreams. What keeps us from completing them?


Steven Pressfield analyses this enemy in all its many forms and manifestations. Procrastination is the most common form of resistance. Because it’s the easiest to rationalise.  We don’t tell ourselves “I’m never going to write my symphony.”  Instead, we say, “I am going to write my symphony;  I’m just going to start tomorrow”

Resistance feels like hell – unhappiness, boredom, restlessness or even guilt.   Unalleviated, resistance mounts to a pitch that becomes unendurable.   What we think is our lives’ lowest moments is really resistance.

He breaks down all the excuses you have ever used for not creating your dream and throws them back in your face (in a nice way)…

The many forms of resistance:  Drama, trouble, cruelty to others, drugs, shopping, television, gossip, alcohol, self-medication of any kind and the consumption of all products containing fat, sugar, salt or chocolate.  (He is wrong about chocolate – it is inspiration!)

Resistance is fueled by our own fears. It only cares about obstructing our evolution to a higher station.   Resistance by definition is self-sabotage.  But it also recruits allies in the form of friends and family.

He also believes this is the root cause of unhappiness – boredom, that restless feeling that something (you can’t put your finger on) just isn’t right.

But if you know the enemy you can defeat it…


Beat Resistance

He shows us there is a path  – that resistance can be beaten. He gives us ideas for combating the enemy   This is where you are introduced to your two selves – amateur and pro.

A pro is a full time commitment .  Being a pro is about listening to all ideas

But it’s also about a disconnect between you and your work. You are not your work you are the conduit through which it flows. It’s about not identifying; not taking it personally (successes, failures and criticisms).

The pro has an attitude of egoless service. He or She:

  • Shows up every day
  • Shows up no matter what
  • Stays on the job all day
  • Commits to the long haul
  • Accepts that stakes are higher and real
  • Accepts remuneration for the labour
  • Does not over-identify with the job
  • Masters the techniques of the job
  • Has a sense of humour about the job
  • Receives praise or blame in the real world

Turning pro is an act of will – just make up your mind, no course required!


Self-doubt is Your Friend

Self-doubt can be an alley. It serves as an indicator of aspiration   It reflects love, love of something we dream of doing, and desire, desire to do it.

If you ask yourself (or your friends) “Am I really a writer?  Am I really an artist?  Chances are you are. The counterfeit innovator is wildly self-confident. The real one is scared to death.

Paralysed with Fear?

Fear tells us what we have to do.   It’s a great sign of what path you should take.  Really terrified of a project?  Then that is what you should do. Resistance is directly proportional to love.  If you’re feeling massive resistance it means there’s tremendous love.

And the more resistance you have to something the more important that particular uncompleted project is to you.

I’ve heard this many times from my spiritual teachers.

Do the thing you fear the most.

Our Muse 

In the final section of this book, Stephen looks at the mystery of the muse and the magic of creativity and imagination.

Stephen has a strong belief in the muse – that mystical connection to the universe.  Call it superstition or spirituality, this is where many readers fall out of love with this book.  But don’t put it down yet.

You are never alone

Embarking on an enterprise can be scary; we feel alone. But as Steven points out you are never alone.

We feel comfortable with our tribe. It’s scary to leave that comfort zone. But as soon as we step outside the campfire our muse lights on our shoulder like a butterfly.  It protects us, calls forth the deeper part of ourselves that supports and sustains us.

For me, this book brought clarity to my actions, or in most cases my in-actions.  Excuses, that seemed real at the time, vanished.  It will do the same for you.

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